Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tools for the Journey #11 - Plow Down The Corn...

Do you remember the film: Field of Dreams? The key event in the film is when the main character plows down half of his corn field to make room to build a baseball field for ghost baseball heroes of days past to come and play ball. Needless to say everyone thought this guy was crazy!

"If you build it they will come."

The plowing down of his corn field is a beautiful metaphor; one which I love and think of often when I need to push through to the other side of a problem.

If I build it they will come but first I must "plow down the corn!"

I must look and see what's "in the way" of my progress, what's in the way of my dream bearing fruit? I must identify this "corn" and I must be willing to take risks and have the courage to "plow it down" to make room for what is becoming, what is unfolding, what is before me waiting to arrive. All the while aware of how many will believe I'm crazy or at least making a mistake. This is where trusting myself, trusting my instincts and my higher knowing is key because there will be plenty of people standing by to tell me: "you're nuts".

Plow down the corn -

This is a powerful tool for my journey.

When I'm stuck, when I find myself residing in fear, doubt or trepidation...I pick myself up, dust myself off and begin to examine which corn to "plow down" so there's room for new possibilities, new information, new insights, new perspective, new viewing points, new adventures, new people, new ground upon which to stand for both myself and all that is headed towards me.

If you are willing to use this tool - even at the risk of appearing "crazy" like the farmer in the film; if you are willing to identify and plow down what is in the way of your forward progress...what you will witness is miracles all around you, coming at you from all directions, once the way is clear for them to arrive. Things you could never have imagined would come your way will manifest before your eyes once the "corn" is removed and the space is there for these gifts to "land" in your "corn field".

A "farmer" such as this is a person who is engaged with Life. Inhabiting this frame of mind - one eventually becomes a resident of a place within which little will remain unrevealed as long as there is willingness to keep eyes, heart and mind wide open. These revelations will help to distinguish which "corn" to cut down and which to keep for the harvest.




"Not being known does not stop the truth from being true!" - Richard Bach

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