Saturday, June 5, 2021

Tool for the Journey #40: VIBRATIONSHIP

“If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration.
                                                                                                               - Nikola Tesla

Several years ago I was given the gift of a new word never before heard:  VIBRATIONSHIP.

Along with the word I received this definition:

 "reciprocal, meaningful connectivity between two people on different vibrational octaves".

Here are a few other words and definitions that will be important to this conversation.

Considering Mr. Tesla's quote above, let's first look at ENERGY. 

the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
"changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well-being"

Energy in physics, is defined as: the capacity for doing work. Energy may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. 

According to Wikipedia:

"In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the object, or to heat it. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed."

The key point here is energy can change, but it cannot be destroyed! Keep this in mind for later. OK, now that we have a bit of perspective on energy, what about frequency and vibration?



noun: frequency;

1.     the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample. The (relative) number of times something occurs in a given sample.
The number of periodic oscillations, vibrations, or waves per unit of time.

2.     the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second.

verb: Move or cause to move continuously and rapidly to and fro.


noun: vibration;

·        an instance of vibrating.

·          Physics - an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has been disturbed, or of an electromagnetic wave.

·        Informal - a person's emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.

So, we can see that with energy, frequency and vibration we've got a lot to work with, but I want to throw in a few additional words which are also important:



noun: relationship

  1. the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.



noun: octave

  1.  Music

a series of eight notes occupying the interval between (and including) two notes, one having twice or half the frequency of vibration of the other.

So we come full circle to the gift of this spectacular word!


noun: vibrationship

  1. meaningful connectivity between two people on different vibrational octaves. It should be noted this is a multi-directional, reciprocal exchange.


What if when our loved ones leave this physical life and transition to the higher side of life, we could continue to have meaningful connectivity and still engage with them in real time? What if we had the ability to continue our connection with them in meaningful ways? What if we could make new memories with them even though we are now at two different vibrational octaves? 

After receiving the gift of this word I decided to put this idea to the test. After multiple years of experimentation I can say with confidence that sharing a VIBRATIONSHIP with those in Spirit is absolutely possible. My beloved and I had a relationship while he was in this physical life, and now we have a rich and textured, fun-filled, dynamic VIBRATIONSHIP!

So you may be wondering 'how does a VIBRATIONSHIP work?'

Mr. Nikola Tesla told us with three simple words: energy, frequency and vibration. These are the secret ingredients!

All frequency carries information and physical reality is made up of an infinite field of energy and information. That being said, one must be in a resonant/coherent frequency in order to 'receive' the information being sent out by those in other dimensional frequencies or different vibrational octaves.

This isn't pie-in-the-sky spiritual nonsense; it is science. Just think of a radio. Radios work by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves. The generated radio signal is an electronic current vibrating very quickly. A transmitter radiates this frequency outward via an antenna. If a receiver is tuned to the same frequency then the receiver can pick up the field of information and translate it to the sounds heard through the radio or computer via WI-FI. For the purposes of making my point - WE are the receiving radios! We simply need to learn to change our frequency and re-tune our 'radios' to receive the signals our loved ones in Spirit are transmitting!

The combination of both vibration and oscillation speeds is what determines the rate of frequency of the transmitted vibrational energy. If we are in a coherent state and are tuned into the frequency being sent out, then we are able to receive the information.

Here is Webster's definition of coherent:

COHERENT, adjective

1. Sticking together; cleaving; as the parts of bodies, solid or fluid.

2. Connected; united, by some relation in form or order; followed by to, but rather by with.

3. Suitable or suited; regularly adapted.

4. Consistent; having a due agreement of parts; as a coherent discourse. Or observing due agreement; as a coherent thinker or reasoner.

Spiritually speaking, we need to be in a coherent state, to be in-tune/tuned-in to receive frequency-information from Higher Consciousness, the Spiritual Realms and those in Spirit whom we may like to receive information from. We need to be human radios with as much bandwidth as possible!

The Law of Vibration:

The law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe. It decrees that everything moves, nothing rests. Everything in the infinite universe is in constant motion. All things move and are identifiable by their unique vibrational frequency. Physical matter, by its nature, has a slower vibratory rate than energetic things. Your body has one vibration, your thoughts and emotions another. Together these create your personal frequency. It is widely acknowledged that we can likely change things more quickly via our thoughts than by merely using our bodies. Our bodies can generate energy, but our thoughts can create much faster energy.

Different levels of vibrating/oscillating energies can create different outcomes. Higher energy, frequency, vibration = faster. Lower energy, frequency, vibration = slower. If our Vibrational Frequency and our Consciousness is 'higher' then perhaps we will have an expanded capacity and more bandwidth to 'receive' 'radio-signals' from those in other dimensions, on other frequency-bands.
You may be asking: what does all of this energy-frequency-vibration stuff have to do with the word: VIBRATIONSHIP? Everything! If we re-calibrate our personal frequency we become better 'radio-receivers'. With increased bandwidth we have access to 'information' from those in other realms who are standing ready to educate us in new and wondrous ways.
There is an ever-growing body of evidence which points to the fact that consciousness survives the death of the physical body. What if 'heaven' is real but is far closer than we have been lead to believe? What if heaven is a frequency rather than a place?

The reason for writing this blog post is to share the possibility of sharing a VIBRATIONSHIP with those you love who are now living in the Spirit Octaves! More is possible than we can begin to imagine. Keep your eyes, mind and heart wide open. Work every day to raise your frequency so you too can have a VIBRATIONSHIP with your beloveds in the Spirit Realms!
I never ask people to believe my degree of understanding, but simply to ask yourself: What if?

"It is one of the commonest of our mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all that there is to perceive." 
                                                                     - C.W. Leadbeater 1854 - 1934


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